Magic the Gathering
£349.58 Add to cart
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Each booster pack contains 7 cards:
- 1 foil card per pack
- 6 Rare cards per pack
Infect your opponent’s Extra Deck with the dark power of Number 1: Infection Buzz King! This Rank 8 Xyz Monster lets you peer into your opponent’s Extra Deck and eliminate a dangerous card before it can even be played. This Fiend is also easy to Summon with the many Level 8 “Horus” monsters from Age of Overlord! Add in another effect that can destroy any card your opponent controls, and inflict damage if you targeted a monster, and the Fiend uprising in the Dueling world shows no sign of stopping!
Sometimes the best things in life aren’t free. Transaction Rollback is going to cost you half your Life Points, but will duplicate any Normal Trap Card in either Graveyard! First you get to play it from your field and copy a Normal Trap from your opponent’s GY, then you get a second charge by banishing it from your Graveyard to copy a Normal Trap Card in your own GY. If you just built your “Labrynth” Deck with the cards from 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes you’ll want to make sure to pick up this endlessly useful Trap Card to go with it!
Even more surprises await you within the Maze of Millennia!
The complete Maze of Millennia set contains 85 cards:
- 11 Ultra Rares 16 Super Rares 57 Rares
- 1 Quarter-Century Secret Rare (16 cards also available as Collector’s Rares)