Wanna be the master? The best that ever was? Every need to start somewhere and the Battle Academy set is a great place to start on your journey to become a master of Pokemon: TCG.This set contains everything for two players to begin their Pokemon: TCG journey, including:• Three specially constructed decks featuring Raichu GX, Charizard GX and Mewtwo GX – the Raichu and Charizar…
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Wanna be the master? The best that ever was? Every need to start somewhere and the Battle Academy set is a great place to start on your journey to become a master of Pokemon: TCG.
This set contains everything for two players to begin their Pokemon: TCG journey, including:
• Three specially constructed decks featuring Raichu GX, Charizard GX and Mewtwo GX – the Raichu and Charizard decks will help you get started, but when you get more confident you can unleash the might of Mewtwo!
• Step by step guides to the Raichu and Charizard decks, showing you how to get the best out of each deck and its Pokemon, trainer and energy cards.
• A rulebook to guide you through your continuing adventure in the Pokemon: TCG.
• A durable two-player board to battle on.
• A metallic coin to be use in-game.
• Damage counters, Poisoned and Burned markers and GX tokens for two players.
• A code card for use with the Online TCG.
Good luck, trainer, and may Arceus’ blessings be with you!